The Reason Why You Should Celebrate Black History with Cognac
Cognac’s popularity is almost exclusively African American ––meaning the French and the rest of America barely touch the stuff. So
Cognac’s popularity is almost exclusively African American ––meaning the French and the rest of America barely touch the stuff. So
The secret processes of distillation and other alchemic processes were not taught in universities, but were instead transmitted in secrecy from teacher to apprentice and student.
Sugarcane, rum and the chains of slavery in the West Indies The origin story of rum would not be
Cognac’s popularity is almost exclusively African American ––meaning the French and the rest of America barely touch the stuff. So
The history of barrels and aging begins with the discovery by Dutch merchants that distilled wine (brandywine) from Cognac
Much like a good whiskey or cognac, the goal of sipping tequila is to experience the notes and flavor, not to mask it or cover it up. Strive for more taste and less burn.
Few know the controversial history that surrounds American whiskey pioneers. Forced to migrate from their homeland, this new breed of European settler brought with them the secrets to making whiskey.
Every wine shop customer learning to appreciate wine has encountered the noticeable price difference between Old World wine from countries in Europe and New World wines made elsewhere. Have you ever stopped to consider why?
Explore the history, artistry, value proposition, and price behind Old World and New World wines and decide for yourself.
Noah Started The First Natural Wine Vineyard It has been four thousands years since the birth of natural winemaking,
Sapere Originis are leading the way in bringing gender equality and ethnic diversity to the world of organic, sustainable wines.